Tuesday 25 October 2016

Rodney Tippit - Master the Art of Negotiation

Rodney Tippit has been in a position that requires a great deal of negotiating for many years. He has been a manager and a buyer in the furniture business for over 25 years. For most of his career, he applied his talents in the state of Texas, which is where he was born and raised. More recently, he has been working for Bob's Discount Furniture in Manchester, Connecticut. He holds the position of case goods buyer, and a great deal is expected of him due to his track record of success.

Rodney Tippit

For a buyer like Rodney Tippit, negotiation skills are of tantamount importance. However, the art of negotiation is something that we should all master to one degree or another, and you should begin to develop as a negotiator as soon you can. From the first moment that you have some money in your pocket to spend, you are invariably going to find yourself in negotiations, even if they are on a very small level. For example, if you go to a comic book or trading card show as a young person, you are going to see price tags on the things that interest you. However, those numbers are not set in stone. Many parents will guide their children toward interactions with vendors and give them negotiating tips, because they understand the value of negotiation skills. When you have a bit of negotiating experience under your belt as a child, you can build on these talents as you get older and the stakes get higher. 

Once you are ready to enter the workplace as a young adult, you are going to have many decisions to make. If you graduate from college and the skills that you acquire are in some demand, you may have multiple job offers. This can also be the case if you have accumulated a certain amount of experience in a particular area, even if you never went to college. It can be intimidating to negotiate when you are looking for a job, but you may be in a position to do just that. You should probably aim high when you are asked about your salary expectations. If you really want a job and you come in at a rock-bottom level, it can take years to get what you could have gotten from the start if you had simply negotiated a higher entry-level salary. Your negotiation abilities can also help you get raises, promotions, additional perks, or a better job with a different company.

Rodney Tippit is a master negotiator who has decades of experience getting the best possible value for the companies that he has represented. You may never be asked to negotiate on this level, but good negotiating skills can be invaluable in many different areas of your life.